Friday, 15 March 2013


10. Gray Fox
Average speed: 42 mph
Gray Fox
Gray Fox is 10th on the list of fastest land animals in the World. The size, structure and weight of Gray Fox makes it hard to believe that an animal like this would be one of the fastest animals in the world. A Gray Fox has many qualities that help it survive in the jungle, such as great speed, the ability of climbing trees and digging holes in order to find moles and mice. They are mostly found in North America, Southern Canada, and Northern Colombia. A normal Gray Fox weighs between 8 to 15 pounds and has a lifespan of 3 to 7 years.
9. Coyote
Average speed: 43 mph
Coyote is 9th on the list of fastest land animals in the World. It weighs between 22 to 40 pounds and has a lifespan of about 10 to 14 years. This animal is found all over America except North America. It is one alert animal with a really strong sniffing power, as it can smell its food quite easily. Coyote mostly eat small animals like rabbits, mice and squirrels as they are not really fond of running. But they can catch the prey of their choice, whenever they want, thanks to their fast running speed. They prefer hunting with the Badger because Coyote find digging out the food from the deep ground quite tough.
8. Cape Hunting Dog
Average speed: 44 mph
Cape Hunting Dog
Cape Hunting Dog is 8th on the list of fastest land animals in the World. It is also known as Wild Hunting Dog. As their name suggests, they are found in Africa. Their lifespan in about 9 -11 years and they weigh about 40 to 75 pounds. The das thing is that they are one of the most endangered land animals present on earth and would soon be extinct, if strict measure are not taken. They live and hunt in groups, which allows them to hunt animals much bigger than them.
7. Elk
Average speed: 45 mph
Elk is 7th on the list of fastest land animals in the World. Elks are a sub species of deer and the main difference between the two is that Elks are quite big in size. They are quite an aggressive animal. They also have big horns. All these things combined let them survive in the jungle by running away from the predators and defending themselves against danger. They are mostly found in North America and Eastern Asia.They weigh about 420 to 520 pounds and their average lifespan is 10 to 13 years.
6. Quarter Horse
Average speed: 48 mph
Quarter Horse
Quarter Horse is 6th on the list of fastest land animals in the World. This name has been given to it because of its ability of taking lead among its competitors in about a quarter mile or less. Quarter horses are mostly found in the most famous race courses around the world. Aside from races, they are also used for riding, carrying luggage, in horse shows and travelling short distances in villages etc.
5. Lion
Average speed: 51 mph
Lion is 5th on the list of fastest land animals in the World. This biggest cat and the king of jungle is one of the most famous animal of the world. It’s brave, fearless and an example of courage. Not only are they brave but are also really good hunters. They have the ability of targeting out their prey from miles! Its roar can be heard from miles away. They are found in Africa, Western Europe and Asia. They weigh about 400 to 550 pounds and their lifespan is between 10 to 14 years.
4. Wildebeest
Average speed: 50 mph
Wildebeest is 4th on the list of fastest land animals in the World. Wildebeest are one of those animals that rely on team work for survival. They are herbivore with very strong bodies and strong sharp horns. They use their horns for defending themselves. These things let them survive in the jungle by running away from the predators and defending themselves against danger. They are mostly found in East Africa and they usually move in large herds making it tough for the predators to hunt them down because of their number. Their lifespan is about 17 to 21 years and it weighs about 430 to 510 pounds.
3. Springbok
Average speed: 56 mph
Springbok is 3rd on the list of fastest land animals in the World. This one is also a herbivore and they are famous for jumping while running. So they can sometimes be mistaken for a kangaroo. They are the most successful desert antelopes of Africa. One great quality they have is that of sensing danger. An interesting thing about this animal is that they never have to drink water as they can get all the moisture they need from the plants they eat. Its lifespan is about 7 to 9 years and their average weigth is between 75 to 110 pounds.
2. Pronghorn antelope
Average speed: 61 mph
Pronghorn antelope
Pronghorn antelope is 2nd on the list of fastest land animals in the World. This one is also a herbivore. It has a large heart and lungs which contribute to its fast speed. Apart from their speed, they also have some other great qualities like exceptional eye sight which is often compared to high power binoculars! They are mostly found in the North America. Pronghorn antelopes are not very fond of jumping over objects, rather they prefer crossing from underneath. They weigh about 90 to 120 pounds and their average lifespan is between 9 to 12 years. Their numbers are dropping due to excessive hunting.
1. Cheetah
Average speed: 70 mph
Cheetah is 1st on the list of fastest land animals in the World and we all know that. It is not only the fastest land animal but also the fastest land predator. It has an average speed of 70 mph, however it cannot maintain the same speed for more than 8 to 10 minutes. But this time is mostly enough for this deadly predator for catching its prey. It has extremely sharp jaws and strong feet that contribute to its great hunting abilities. They are mostly found in Africa; while their number in Asia and Europe is quite small. Their lifespan is about 10 to 20 years and weigh about 110 to 140 pounds on an average.

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